Who's Not Getting Vaccinated?
August 9, 2021
People are making all kind of accusations and presumptions about who is and isn't getting the COVID-19 vaccine. Fortunately, the government released the data for vaccine uptake in Sydney by area. By cross-checking that with the census data, I want to see what the data says.
The highest correlation coefficient is 91%, which is an area's median weekly household salary, peaking in North Sydney with a salary of $2,333 and 1st-dose uptake of 51.9%. On the other side, you have Sydney's South West, with a median salary of $1,429 and vaccination rate of 33%. The second highest correlation is with percentage of people working from home.
Difficulties in getting vaccination appointments, especially those on weekends or outside of typical working hours, could be to blame. It's easiest to get vaxxed mid-week, which could be why those with more work flexibility are getting vaccinated more.
The other highest correlations 61% for those with Dutch ancestry, and -54% with Islam as a religion.